Another number recognition center we are trying is gumball counting. They pick a card and they either recognize the number or they count the objects on the card if they don’t know that number yet. Then they are to place that many gumballs (pom poms) on the gumball machine and then write the number with a marker. I place the gumball mat in a sheet protector. They love it!
It is also fun to bring play-doh into the mix! These have been a hit with my students. I chose to print them on bright paper vs. using colored ink, and they work great. Each student gets their own play-doh and they can pick and choose pages to work on 1:1 counting and number recognition. For additional work, they can write the numbers down either on a white board or in a math notebook.
Practicing uppercase and lower case letters is fun when we incorporate the pocket chart. Sometimes it’s great for the students to work with a partner and to be able to get up and move a little during center time. I have a magnetic pocket chart that I place on the big white board in the room, and partner up 2 and sometimes 3 students together to work on this. They have fun finding the matching letters!
Another fun pocket chart center that we started using after about 4 weeks in, is the first sound match. This one is still difficult for some students, so I make sure to pair them up with a partner who is able to help them.
My students love using these to practice handwriting. It’s also fun to use the play-doh if you want and have them mold the uppercase letters too. I usually put them in sheet protectors and have them use dry erase markers. You could also print them in black and white so they can color them and use pencil! I love having different options for my students depending on the day or their needs.
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I really like the use of clothespins for the alphabet match, it is definitely good for their little fingers and fine motor! You can use them for so many things, love them!